I’m aware of two possible ways of external installing bundled add-ons: either by adding Windows registry to point to the extracted XPI entry or extracting XPI to /extensions/.
This works fine when add-on is unlisted.
But if I’m going to publish my add-on, make it listed, is there a way to register add-on directly from AMO during installation?
An example of such technique will be Chrome’s HKCU/Software/Google/Chrome/Extensions key. It is possible, during installation, to create ‘path=https://’. Firefox explicitly ignores any WEB paths to add-ons.
That Chrome HKCU technique is Windows only no? How do they do it on other platforms?
As far as I know, this isn’t possible to do with Firefox. I’d be concerned about the security implications of such a feature…
If you want to request it, you can file a bug here.