Intelligibility remediation

@Nathan @asa @reuben would you like to replace Microsoft with DeepSpeech in the Stanford Almond OVAL?

I’m not sure whether @nukeador is referring to my proposal for collecting transcripts at Common Voice or fore replacing Microsoft speech recognition with DeepSpeech. I am happy to do as much or as little of either from afar if the Foundation is not, but I am sure both are strongly in your interest, and I would like to appeal any decision to leave either of them entirely to me, this year and next.

Accordingly, I am now asking that you devote at least 500 FTE hours to both integrating DeepSpeech 0.6 with the Stanford Almond OVAL, and collect transcripts instead of thumbs-up/down at Common Voice. I am sure both are excellent investments of your time. Please let me know your thoughts.