Intercept XHR and make it downloadable with page/browser action popup menu

As in title, I want to intercept data sent/received with XHR and then download it to file. I know that this intercepting code must be injected to the page. But how do I communicate between injected code and page/browser action popup? I want to use as little permissions as I can. What’s the best way to do it?

activeTab seems like permission I want to use but how to make it work when I click on menu entry in page/browser action popup?

You can also use to intercept the body of a request.

You can communicate between code using messaging, if you are replacing XHR, you should use instead, which means that you can just use the runtime messaging from the content script to the rest of the extension.

I think webRequest API would solve the problem with XHR but I also need to intercept any URL changes so Sharing objects with page scripts is better approach anyway. But how exactly do I use this?

((realPushState) => {
  window.wrappedJSObject.history.pushState = function () {
    realPushState.apply(window.wrappedJSObject.history, arguments);

in content script throws Permission denied to access object error.

As the page I linked mentions, you need to export/clone things into the page context. Further, URL changes could be observed with webNavigation.

Alright, I think I’ve got it now.

// listen to messages from popup
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender) => {
  // ...

const extensionObject = {
  historyPushState: function(url) {
    // ...
  xhrOpen: function(url, xhr) {
    // you can add `load` event listener to xhr to get response
    // return `true` if you want to capture data in function below
  xhrSend: function(url, data) {
    // first element of result array tells if you want to send this xhr
    // second is data you want to send
    let result = [true, data];
    return cloneInto(result, window);

window.wrappedJSObject.extensionObject = cloneInto(extensionObject, window, {cloneFunctions: true});

  // inject script to page scope
  const s = document.createElement('script');
  s.src = browser.extension.getURL('inject.js');
  s.onload = () => {


((extensionObject, realOpen, realSend, realPushState) => {
  delete window.extensionObject;
  const requestsToIntercept = {}; = function(method, url) {
    const interceptSend = extensionObject.xhrOpen(url, this);
      requestsToIntercept[this] = url;
    realOpen.apply(this, arguments);

  XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data) {
    const url = requestsToIntercept[this];
    let sendRequest = true;
    let newData = data;
    if(typeof url === 'string') {
      delete requestsToIntercept[this];
      [sendRequest, newData] = extensionObject.xhrSend(url, newData);
      realSend.apply(this, [newData]);

  history.pushState = function(obj, title, url) {
    realPushState.apply(history, arguments);
  XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send, history.pushState);

And since I store all data in content-script.js I just need to communicate between browser/page action popup and content script:

// get active tab
browser.tabs.query({active:true,currentWindow:true}).then(tabs => {
  browser.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {message: "hello"});

This doesn’t even require activeTab permission. :smiley:

Is this okay or should I do it another way?