(IANUSTEC s.r.l.)
January 24, 2024, 6:31am
Hi everyone,
I am writing to you because we are trying to publish an extension already available for Chrome on FireFox.
During debugging we get the error: invalid manifest.
After several attempts, we tried to add the example Add-ons shown in the official repo on GitHub.
Unfortunately, even these, all those tested, give the same error.
Instead, when trying to publish the Add-On in the Marketplace, we receive the error Manifest.json not found, even for all the published examples
We simply zipped the folder containing the code, as we did for Chrome.
You can help us?
You need to zip the content of the folder, not the parent folder , more info here:
Regarding those examples from github, could you paste here some links with steps you did that didn’t worked?
(IANUSTEC s.r.l.)
January 24, 2024, 7:24pm
Hi, thanks for reply.
The zip contains the files directly, as done for Chrome.
I had similar issues when I used some specific NodeJS zipping library.
If you are also using a library, try to instead zip it manually (follow the steps in the link I’ve posted).