I’ve learn that web browsers request files to a web server. And the web server sends the files back, which are displayed by the browser. This can be seen in the dev tools network tab.
If the files are in my computer, why can’t I download them? Is it possible? If not, why not?
Hello @santimirandarp
which file do you mean ? html css js can be get from the source code (right click then view page source )or from the cache folder of your browser
image and other stuff same thing plus right click on image then download
some site block the download option but you can get it from the cache
other make it harder and stream the file in binary way
so there many cases and different options
Hey, thanks for the reply. I’ll expand a bit what I mean…
In a webpage it’s normally easy to download an image, but not the whole document’s content, that you could use for something else.
What confuses me is something simple. The browser is displaying a page, which is already in our own computer (all the files: html, css, js ,images) but yet we can’t easily download the page we are actually seing.
Am I wrong on this?
Also, the source code isn’t a good option, as normally has not all the information loaded in a page.
I didn’t think about cache/ but still I suspect it’s not easy to filter all that is in that folder.
thanks for your response @santimirandarp
it cause that the normal user does not need to download or check those files
you can say software build based on their user even if there dev tool in the browser then it mean that advanced user would know how to get those files and will know when there a restriction to get it
and there other app that can download the website you like to work offline if you interested on that
that my view of it maybe i am wrong
and have a nice day
@justsomeone just found out how to. By pressing Ctrl-S
or menu > Save page as...
It downloads every single file, not only the .html, and you can see the page (this one for example) offline, almost the same than making the request to the server.
It downloads many files, most of the js and css.
The files that are not downloaded, are the ones coming from a different domain 
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if you choose Webpage, Complete. it will download the third party stuff
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I’m afraid that’s what I did. Most of stuff from different domains is not here. And I believe that makes sense, but am not sure why yet…
If you try download this actual site, and go offline, imgs won’t load.
could you give me the link to the site you try to save it as it work here in my side
Sorry images are downloaded (even the favicon), but fonts are not. I am surprised we can download at least some fonts at google.
I was testing in google fonts: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kumbh+Sans
To see if the font files on the page were downloaded. They are linking the fonts from a <style>
tag, so maybe that’s not included.
But my connection here is very bad, so It could very well be the issue here. That’s, in part, why I want some pages here on my pc. Am also curious about fonts…
the font downloaded the highlighted one
remember it’s webfont so do not look for the traditional file
hope that help and have a nice day 
Yes, that’s downloaded, altough I was expecting woff for a webfont. But anyways, does the browser display anything when you open the page?
sorry that file was not the font i was wrong
to download the font it will be little hard right click then inspect then go to the head then style the last style element will have the link to the font file

take that link for example https://fonts.gstatic.com/l/font?kit=SLXLc1nY6Hkvalrub76J9cVURVAk8EloJGrwsPVcKCSa61oODyG1&skey=fcc35fc9b193d704&v=v7 then open that in new tab it will download
or try to google and use third party app that maybe download the font file
search for website downloader there are many
hope that help and have a nice day
Yeah that seemed more like a javascript file though I wasn’t sure.
I wonder why that’s not downloaded, as it is an active part of the page.
Anyways, thanks for the ideas and reaching out! Nice day 4u2
btw, I am starting to write small documents with this kind of information. So feel free to team up in case you’re interested.
not sure what you trying to do but let me know if i can help in anyway and have a nice day
It’s done this way to discourage you from trying to find out how things work.
There is a good reason for not making “download the page source” into a prominently exposed feature - many people don’t need it or want it, and it would just get in their way.
But there isn’t a good reason for removing the option.
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Pressing Ctrl+S, and it will automatically download the whole page.
External fonts are not packed in though, but that’s a minor issue.
But I get what you’re saying.