I’m in the queue since november 19, i’m now position 97 of 277 (There was 140-150 person in queue at the time I posted my add-on). And I’m really wondering if this new measure is really viable, because it can only go worse, as the time pass I don’t see how the waiting queu can go down again… Unless the develloppers become monsters and do that all days 24/24, wich is just impossible. So my question is are you thinking about others ways, or anything ?
This absolutly not a reproach, just a statement
Thank you
Hi @alexy_duhamel! Thank you for reaching out. It’s true that the wait times are longer than usual right now. While our reviewers are doing their best to work through the queue, we are working on rolling out a more sustainable solution. Hopefully we’ll be able to share more in early 2017.
In the meantime, if you’d like to help out and join our reviewers team to tackle the queue, please take a look at https://wiki.mozilla.org/AMO:Reviewers. Becoming a reviewer is also a great way to get your add-ons fast-tracked for approval.
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Okay, I didn’t know it was possible to join the reviewers team I’ll check this out Thank you