Is there a way to load the model only once?

Yes it is available. I did installed deepspeech on my whole machine (not in a venv). Again, sorry if I am unprecise. What information do you need additionally?

Having known all of that prior would already have helped. Try that:

$ LD_DEBUG=libs python -c "from deepspeech import Model"

And share us (properly formatted) the output.

Computer:python d02010$ pwd
Computer:python d02010$ LD_DEBUG=libs python -c "from deepspeech import Model"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'Model'

Is this macOS ? I don’t know how to LD_DEBUG=libs there. What does pip list | grep deepspeech shows ?

Yes, its macos. It outputs: deepspeech 0.1.1

So that’s not 0.2.0 …

Thank you!

The problem was that I did the upgrade with pip3, like it is mentioned in the readme. Now I did it just with pip and it works.

If you read carefully, it’s because all pip calls were changed to pip3, to suggest people to use Python 3 instead of Python 2.