This may be a very stupid question, but since I updated the Developer Edition, I cannot delete an indexedDB database any longer. It appears that the object stores are deleted but the database remains. When the page loads, it errors because it opens an empty existing database but cannot find the object stores.
In the storage tab, one could right click on the database name and delete it; and, on reload, a new one would be created. That isn’t working for me now. I’ve been doing this same thing repeatedly for several months without issue.
I tried to delete the database programmatically by closing and then deleting it, but that now returns no response.
If I run the exact same code in the regular edition, it all works fine. The database can be deleted from the storage tab, and progammatic deletion returns the success event handler.
Would you please tell me if this is an issue others are experiencing? Also, is there a way to delete the database from the local file directory in the interim in order to have the next load create a new one?
If the code is changed to simply open the database and then close and delete it, In some instances, the delete-database handler success event runs, and two messages are written to the console. One that states an existing database has beeen opened, and a second that it has been deleted; but, on reload, the message is the exact same, instead of stating a new database has been created. It is as if the deletion processed but did nothing.
Thank you.