Italy, Brazil, France: SuMo Sprint Roundup (Day 3)

Support Sprint By the Numbers
Number of events registered: 44
Number of responses: 105
Number of reviews awaitinig moderation: 501

We hope you’re having a great time during the Firefox Support Sprint so far. All around the world Mozillians are doing amazing work!

A reminder that you don’t need to be at an in-person event to support the sprint (or to register your event on the website!). Try spending a few minutes every day this week contributing and you’ll be amazed the difference you can make!

To celebrate the many ways you can participate in the Support Sprint, today we’re profiling some of the virtual sprints that inspired us!

Here’s what happened today:

Italian Firefox Support Sprint – Online , Italy

Mozilla Italia is running their sprint online from June 4 to 8, and will be coordinating via Telegram (on the channel HOME). They invite everyone to jump into the forum to read more.

Sprintez pour Firefox – Ongoing , France

The French community kicked-off a week of sprints dedicated to responding to thousands of users who ask questions, make comments, leave reviews on the Android Play Store in French. Learn more!.

Support Sprint – June 4th, Taquaritiinga, Brasil

Contributors in Brazil are all ready for the #supportsprint in Taquaritinga! : D Jump in to help from a distance on twitter here .

Our Favourite #SupportSprint Tweets so Far :v:

We’ll be profiling inspiring events (in-person OR virtual) from the sprint all week. Make sure to register your event and share your photos with the hashtag #SupportSprint to be featured!

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I take care of the French part and I would like it so easy to know how many messages are waiting for answers for my country

is it possible to have access to stats from the website

thanks in advance

Otherwise, I planned to launch different calls on social networks (twitter, facebook, mastodon)


Hey! For privacy reasons I can’t give you access to the admin panel but I can tell you that there are currently - 622 reviews in French, awaiting responses.

Don’t forget to also spend some time moderating responses as each reply needs to be looked at 3 times before it goes live - There are 75 French responses still waiting on moderation!


Thanks for the information, I thought there was more …
Yes I will guide the communication


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A suggestion to speed up the review (I made right now like 90 and not yet finished)I made a tiny js script to execute in the browser console that automatically mark all the button to yes.

When you are in this page, copy and paste this and execute in the browser console

Later you can use the up arrow because Firefox remember the previous code executed avoiding the c&p for every response.

The script can be changed also for no answers very easily.

I would like to moderate the answers and I can not correct the content, it’s a shame. How can I do
For example I would like to correct the link of the answer and I do not know how I can do



It is not possible to edit the content, you can only reject :frowning:

Seems that to develop this tool no one evaluated how works pontoon to copy the UX. After all the workflow is the same.


I think that “Moderate responses” is too long because we have to make 5 clicks with 3 page loadings for the answer to be published, it’s the same thing if we refuse to validate

that does not make you want to validate



I answered a lot of questions and I go back to November 2017 for Firefox 56. Is it useful to continue to answer because it is very old?

best regard,


I see value because:

  • These people might have stopped using Firefox and the reply can trigger them trying the new version.
  • They might change their rating after updating and using the new version.