Jason1 Skill Test - opionions wanted

hi there,
here is my solution for JSON 1 Skill Test. I’ll appreciate if you spend some time to review and evaluate it.

Great work, @texas-triumph!

Nice touch with doing an extra exercise about objects :heart_eyes:

One thing the could be optimized:
You could remove the counting of one gender since you can calculate it from the total and the other gender.

May I interest you in “GitHub Pages” for future exercises? You can automatically deploy a project to your own github.io domain. This way we can see the running code like it would be on CodePen or similar: https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site

Have a nice day,

Hello Michael,
Thank you kindly for reviewing my work and for the hints.
Also thanks for the suggestion concerning github. I’ll try to post the next code on it.

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