Your add-on includes a JavaScript library file (jquery-2.1.4.min.js) that doesn’t match any versions known to us. We require all add-ons to use unmodified release versions.
We included jquery 2.1.4 in our add-on. It has the same md5 hash as the version on Google. Are we not able to include jquery in our add-on? Should we use version 2.2.0? Jquery has many warnings related to the use of eval.
Jpm actually should have that info in the self module.
Bootstrap addons can also access this info from the aData parameter.
$(‘body’).append(’<div id=’) uses unsafe innerHTML methods. We
prefer you try to use createTextNode/createElement baesed functions,
jquery has these -
Problem is something else. It is using innerHTML or JQuery append on BODY when you are converting strings to DOM
Using innerHTML to modify a document causes the entire document to be re-parsed, which is inefficient and has critical drawbacks, including invalidating any JavaScript reference to replaced DOM nodes, clearing any JavaScript properties and event listeners on replaced DOM nodes, and re-executing any script tags in the changed markup, and causing said scripts to fail if they rely on document.write.