in the new policy “add-ons that contain obfuscated or comparably unreadable code will also be blocked”. But what is with know libraries like jQuery? Currently they are ok and detected as well known. But could I use jQuery in the minified version in the future?
Kind regards,
jQuery is not obfuscated - there is big difference between obfuscation and minification.
Minification just tries to make the code smaller whereas obfuscation adds new code to hide the real behavior.
Sure, it’s only minified. But as I understand the new policy this will also include minification and not just obfuscation. So is minification ok for known libraries?
The policy info states
We will continue to allow minified, concatenated, or otherwise machine-generated code as long as the source code is included.
Since minified/machine generated code has been accepted for libraries for quite some time, especially for known ones like jquery - even without submitting source code I doubt you now have to submit an unminified version of jquery as source code.