Like the new Firefox tab icon!

Just wanted to note that I like the new little Firefox tab icon. Cute. :heart:


Me too! But perhaps I’ve gone crazy but, …has Firefox done away with a “FAVORITE” button or “COLLECTIONS” even? I like the new look but it takes some getting used to. I guess my old list of FAVORITE persona themes is now final. UGH!

Personas Plus is being updated for 57 and the collections are “supposed” to be coming back. Soon, I hope. Others will know a lot more about this than me. I just make and submit designs and am not in the “hard part” of making Firefox the best browser out there!

Collections are available if you click on “My Collections”, in the popup over your username. Most collections features are only available in the old pages, but we’re working on porting them now.

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Thanks Jorge! I found my Collection of Favorites and all my other collections thanks to you! It’s good to know the FAVORITES button will make a come-back soon, …I miss it and all the fun stuff I used to love about Firefox themes. Happy New Year!