Hello everyone
hope that everything is going fine with all of you
i would like thanks mozilla for their tutorial and help and hope things get better and all who lost their job to get back and after that it could be nice if they come and work on turn those tutorial to something like complete refrence so it take student from the beginner level to the expert one
i like to say i was surprised that i saw some people who take course in different website come and ask for help here and the more interesting that mozilla did not complain about that that was awesome
thanks for everyone for everything
thanks also for everyone who shared his/her code or issue i learned a lot from that
here are a few tips
if you ask for help or assessmentit would be easier for other people to help you if you shared your code in https://jsfiddle.net/ or JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging or https://glitch.com/ or https://codepen.io/ or https://github.com/ and also share the link that has the task you asking for
do not be shy we all make tons of errors and even silly one
it would be nice that in the subject you write if you need help cause you have issue or stuck with something or you just need general assessment and that everything working
if you offer help or assessment try to fix their code not make them think as you do cause there many ways to achieve the same result and i learned a lot from people code
be nice despite the error you found on other people code and if you think someone did huge error explain nicely and do not lie to yourself we all make those silly error and we learn from our mistake more than from our success and helping will help you get experience to debug code and learning new way to solve same task maybe the task is not huge one but it still a counted experience
no problem if after you fix the other person code you share your code with him/her
for anyone interesting in js framework PrimeNG 10 Begins ā PrimeFaces PrimeReact 3.4.0 Released ā PrimeFaces PrimeVue-1.0.0 Final Released ā PrimeFaces are ui component for Angular and React and Vue all free and they offer free themes i think 2 or 3 and other paid one
try to use IDE it will be better to detect syntax error and even speed you coding there many free and paid one https://www.eclipse.org/ https://netbeans.apache.org/ https://www.jetbrains.com/ last is paid one but has free copy with limited functionality
you can use text editor instead of IDE Installing basic software - Learn web development | MDN
it will be lighter than IDE but keep in mind that to make your target to go for IDE -
it will be hard to coding on mobile or tablet so it better to use laptop/desktop
if you can return the favor back then do it
i do not mean only mozilla but every app tool service you used you can return the favor you can return it by many way donation by your money/time/using thier beta app and test it / let other know about it who know maybe one of the people you invited can donate with money to them -
you can cut a little of your time specially after you finished your learning trip to comeback here and help people who stuck and also share you experience and if their best practice let us say 1 hour per week not much but the more people involve the more will get better
feel free to correct me and advice me and give me tips all are welcomed
if there are any tool/service that can help us then please share it
check those tips also
hope that help and have a nice day