My install.rdf has multiprocess set to true:
My chrome.manifest has remoteenabled set to true:
content profilist/content_remote ./ remoteenabled=yes
From bootstrap.js, to the most recent XUL window, I add a xul like this:
var aBrowser = aDocument.createElementNS('', 'browser');
aBrowser.setAttribute('remote', 'true');
aBrowser.setAttribute('type', 'content');
aBrowser.setAttribute('style', 'height:100px;border:10px solid steelblue;');
aBrowser.setAttribute('src', 'chrome://profilist/content_remote/resources/frameworker.htm');
frameworker.htm can’t seem to load any File URI’s into the <img>
src attribute. This is the contents of frameworker.htm:
this is the image: <img src="file:///Users/noida/Library/Application%20Support/Firefox/profilist_data/images/badges-random-twitter-t-flipicon/badges-random-twitter-t-flipicon_24.png">
However it always comes up as missing image. If i have a script create a new Image
and set src it fails to load as well.
Anyone know how I can fix this?
Testing on latest Firefox nightly on Mac OS X - 47.0a1 (2016-02-07)