Local development setup

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask but I’m having problems with setting up a local copy of Pontoon for testing with my own projects.

I’ve tried following instructions here for running Pontoon locally with Docker but there is no information about SSH keys and providing the SSH config and keys environment variables to the build or run scripts does not seem to work.

I’ve managed to get it up and running with instructions here without docker though (instead of virtualenv I’m using anaconda).

However when it comes to syncing and making a project public, despite setting the project to “public” and the sync log indicating that the project is synced, I’m only seeing the “Terminologies” project in the projects page. There is no obvious errors or logs that I can see why that is happening so I hope someone can help out here? If additional information is needed, I’m very happy to provide.


Hi @limzykenneth,

First of all, sorry for the belated response.

If you run Pontoon on Heroku, see this document on how to configure the SSH key:

As of this moment we don’t have other deployment docs, since we don’t support other deployment methods. If you still want to run Pontoon on the premises, you’ll need to set up SSH key locally.

I’m not trying to deploy an on premise version of Pontoon but rather to setup a local development version of Pontoon so I can experiment with the codebase.

I know Docker is the recommended setup for local development but there is no info about SSH keys about the docker setup as well. I don’t use docker for my work at all so while it may be obvious to others how to setup SSH keys with docker, I have no idea at all.

However if what you mean by no other deployment docs meant even Docker is no longer recommended and only Heroku is recommended, does this mean even for Pontoon’s developer they are using Heroku as part of their development setup instead of something that runs locally?