London 2015 Meet-up Planning

Hi all,

We finally have the dates and the travel arrangements are well underway. Now let’s make sure we’re planning to make the best use of time possible.

Please contribute to this doc if you are an attendee. If you are not, please leave your feedback and questions in this topic.

Ok, we’ve done some hacking on the doc, but let’s try a more open ended question to get replies here.

Thinking selfishly, what are your goals for attending the meet-up, ie what do you want to work towards? What are the outcomes you’d like to see from attending, ie what things do you want to see accomplished at the meet-up?

See the doc for examples.

@tanner, @yousef, @mrz, @tad, @jan, @logan, @leo, @Kensie, @costenslayer, @simon1, @buluma_michael, @JLensmeister

Input from community sites owners also very welcome!