Looking to help teach web literacy

I am an instructional designer working at the University of Pittsburgh. I’ve recently become interested in getting involved in developing resources to teach web literacy–especially online or in public libraries.

I’d like to find a way I can spend some of my time and expertise creating or improving web literacy learning experiences. Mozilla seems to be a good place to start, but I’m not finding good ways to get involved–much of these activities seems to be closed for now.

What’s the best next step if I want to help with this sort of project?


Most of the content on what was earlier “webmaker” is getting ported to https://glitch.com/

It supports remixing and collaborative editing. There are also many starter projects which act like tutorials. I think you should check it out.

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Mozilla Fundation is not doing Web Literacy anymore, but do check Web Literacy Standard and some other stuff at “Mozilla Learning” site from our previous work.
