Hi Vivek,
Congratulations on finishing the first HTML assessment. Here are the links for the marking guide:
# Marking guide for "Marking up a letter"
The following guide outlines a marking guide for the MDN Learning Area HTML Topic — [Marking up a letter](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Marking_up_a_letter). Each subtask detailed in the assessment is listed below, along with an explanation of how many marks the task is worth, and the mark breakdown.
Note: These are guidelines, not set in stone rules — you are of course free to use your judgement on mark awarding when you meet an edge case, or somethign that isn't clearly cut.
The overall mark awarded is out of 45.5. Work out their final mark, and then divide by 45.5 and multiply by 100 to give a percentage mark. For reference, you can find a [finished marked up letter](index.html) that would be awarded top marks.
## Block/structural semantics
<dt>You should structure the overall document with an appropriate structure including doctype, and <code><html></code>, <code><head></code> and <code><body></code> elements (5 marks)</dt>
<dd>They need to:
<li>Provide an HTML5 doctype (<code><!doctype html></code>, 1 mark)</li>
<li>Include a <code><head></code> element just below that (1 mark)</li>
<li>Wrap the content in a <code><body></code> element (1 mark)</li>
<li>Wrap head and body in an <code><html></code> element (1 mark)</li>
<li>You get one bonus mark for including a lang attribute in the <code><html></code> tag (1 mark)</li>
This file has been truncated. show original
And our finished final example:
I’d like to invite you to look over these and see where you went wrong, if at all. I’ve had a look at your version, and it looks really good! I can’t see anything immediately wrong with it, and you did some extra useful things like providing meta data. Well done.