"Marking up a letter" assessment

Hi @EvaFernandezArroyo and welcome to the community :wave:

Congratulations! This is mostly correct. :tada:
Here are some improvements:

  • You wrote class="sender-colunm" instead of class="sender-column". That’s why the address doesn’t move to the right. The second address doesn’t need this class.
  • In the list with the semester dates you missed one datetime and the others have a hyphen (-) that needs to be removed.
  • Use <strong> instead of <b> . it has more meaning.
    For the list of dance moves it would be better to use a description list ( <dl> ).

The rest seems mostly correct. :slightly_smiling_face:
Keep up the good work.


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嗨!大家好,很高兴加入这个大家庭。 :smiley:

<address class="sender-column">
    <p><i><b>纽臂大学 纽臂科学院</b></i></p>
     <p><i><b>李雷 教授</b></i></p>

    <p class="sender-column"><time datetime="2019-2-22">2019年2月22日</time></p>

    <p><i><b>韩梅梅 女士</b></i></p>







    <li>第一学期:<time datetime="2019-9-9">2019年9月9日</time></li>
    <li>第二学期:<time datetime="2020-1-15">2020年1月15日</time></li>
    <li>第三学期:<time datetime="2020-5-2">2020年5月2日</time></li>
    <p>你可以在我们的网站上找到更多关于<a href="https://example.com/"> 学校重要日期 </a>的信息。</p>


    <li>测量室温 30°C(86°F)时,观众人数呈指数级增加对放克贝斯手表演的影响(3 × 10<sup>3</sup> > 3 × 10<sup>4</sup> 效应)。</li>
    <li>使用 <abbr title="超文本标记语言">HTML</abbr> 和 <abbr title="层叠样式表">CSS</abbr> 构建乐谱。</li>




     <dd>一种古老、神秘但影响广泛的舞蹈,可追溯至公元前 300 年,整个村庄围绕着一个小鸡形状的圈跳舞,祈祷牲畜肥美。</dd>

      <p>更多信息请查看我的 <a href="https://example.com/">异域舞蹈研究</a> 网页。</p>

      <p>李雷 教授</p>

      <p>纽臂大学校训:<q>人人皆可纽臂</q> —— <cite>诸葛中天</cite> 绅士</p>

Hello @sjmcsy

could you share your code on any online service like codepen.io so it be much better to check it and also it would be better to create new post with link to your code and link to the task

but fir what i can see that :

  1. no need to wrap each line in the address by p you can get new line by using <br>
  2. no need for the italic <i> in address as address make it italic by default
  3. it better to use strong instead of b
  4. for the telephone and email you could use <a>
  5. that is part of the second address <p><i><b>韩梅梅 女士</b></i></p> of course without the p
  6. not sure if you did the 5 abbr element or not

hope i did not miss anything else and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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OK, thank you! I’ll try.

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Thank you so much!

I use the codepen.io for my “Marking up a letter” test, please Please help me to correct my mistake. Thank you so much.

sorry about my poor English spelling and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hello @sjmcsy

you very welcome and do not be sorry english is not my first language also so we both can do mistake as we wish and hope a third person show up and be our bridge :joy:

you doing great well done here are my notice :

  1. no need to use the p element inside the address so remove it

  2. for the telephone and mail you can use this href atterbuite here

and you can see a demo for how to use it here int the sample code

i know i could be not part of the task but consider it as bonus one :wink:

  1. not sure if there phd and esq abbr in the chinese version of the letter or there something else but you already fond the css and html

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hello @justsomeone, thank you so much, have a niac day!

@sjmcsy you very welcome and thanks a lot

Hi! I finished this task! Can you review it please?
My Code

Hello @QuebecNova

you doing great well done here are my notice :

  1. no need to use p inside the address just give the address the same class you give to the p and remove the p element

  2. for the telephone and mail you can use this href attribute here

and you can see a demo for how to use it here int the sample code

  1. you missed the quote in this a element here <a href = example.com>

  2. the quote is not a blockquote is a quote and so remove the blockquote and replace it with that

<p>University of Awesome motto: 
      <q>Be awesome to each other. -- 
            <cite>The memoirs of Bill S Preston, 
                       <abbr title="Esquire">Esq</abbr>
  1. i better for future to create your own post and put link to the task you asking about in that post

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


All done, thank you so much @justsomeone!

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you very welcome @QuebecNova

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Hi! I just finished my first project. Could someone pls give me some feedback? I will be very thankful♥


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title> My 1st letter on html </title>

    <link href="styles-for-text.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <meta name="author" content="Dr. Eleanor Gaye">



        <address class="sender-column">

        <strong>Dr. Eleanor Gaye</strong><br>

        Awesome Science faculty<br>

        University of Awesome<br>

        Bobtown, CA 99999,<br>



        <p class="sender-column"><a href="tel:1234567890"><strong>Tel: 123-456-7890</strong></a></p>

        <p class="sender-column"><a href="mailto:no_reply@example.com"><strong>Email: no_reply@example.com</strong></a></p>


        <p class="sender-column"><time datetime="2016-01-20">20 January 2016</time></p>


        <strong>Miss Eileen Dover</strong><br>

        4321 Cliff Top Edge<br>

        Dover, CT9 XXX<br>




        <h1>Re: Eileen Dover university application</h1>


        <p>Dear Eileen,</p>


        <p>Thank you for your recent application to join us at the University of Awesome's science faculty to study as part of your <abbr lang="lt" title="Philosophiæ Doctor">PhD</abbr> next year. I will answer your questions one by one, in the following sections</p>.


        <h2> Starting dates</h2>


        We are happy to accommodate you starting your study with us at any time, however it would suit us better if you could start at the beginning of a semester; the start dates for each one are as follows:


        <li>First semester: <time datetime="2016-09-09">9 September 2016</time></li>

        <li>Second semester: <time datetime="2017-01-15">15 January 2017</time></li>

        <li>Third semester: <time datetime="2017-05-02">2 May 2017</time></li>


        <p>Please let me know if this is ok, and if so which start date you would prefer.</p>


        <p>You can find more information about important university dates on our <a href="http://example.com">website</a>.</p>


        <h2>Subjects of study</h2>


        <p>At the Awesome Science Faculty, we have a pretty open-minded research facility — as long as the subjects fall somewhere in the realm of science and technology. You seem like an intelligent, dedicated researcher, and just the kind of person we'd like to have on our team. Saying that, of the ideas you submitted we were most intrigued by are as follows, in order of priority:</p>


        <li>Turning H<sub>2</sub>O into wine, and the health benefits of Resveratrol (C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>12</sub>O<sub>3</sub>.)</li>

        <li>Measuring the effect on performance of funk bassplayers at temperatures exceeding 30&#176;C (86&#176;F), when the audience size exponentially increases (effect of 3&#215;10<sup>3</sup> increasing to 3&#215;10<sup>4</sup>.)</li>

        <li><abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> and <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr> constructs for representing musical scores.</li>


        So please can you provide more information on each of these subjects, including how long you'd expect the research to take, required staff and other resources, and anything else you think we'd need to know? Thanks.


        <h2>Exotic dance moves</h2>


        <p>Yes, you are right! As part of my post-doctorate work, I did study exotic tribal dances. To answer your question, my favourite dances are as follows, with definitions:</p>



             <li><dt>Polynesian chicken dance</dt></li>

        <dd>A <sub>little</sub> known but <strong>very</strong> influential dance dating back as far as 300<abbr title="Before Christ">BC</abbr>, a whole village would dance around in a circle like chickens, to encourage their livestock to be "fruitful".</dd>

        <li><dt>Icelandic brownian shuffle</dt></li>

        <dd>Before the Icelanders developed fire as a means of getting warm, they used to practice this dance, which involved huddling close together in a circle on the floor, and shuffling their bodies around in imperceptibly tiny, very rapid movements. One of my fellow students used to say that he thought this dance inspired modern styles such as Twerking.</dd>

        <li><dt>Arctic robot dance</dt></li>

        <dd>An interesting example of historic misinformation, English explorers in the 1960s believed to have discovered a new dance style characterized by "robotic", stilted movements, being practiced by inhabitants of Northern Alaska and Canada. Later on however it was discovered that they were just moving like this because they were really cold.</dd>


        For more of my research, see my exotic dance <a href="http://example.com">research page</a>.<br>


        Yours sincerely,<br>

        Dr Eleanor Gaye<br>


        <footer><blockquote>University of Awesome motto: <q>Be awesome to each other.</q> -- The memoirs of Bill S Preston, <abbr title="Esquire">Esq</abbr></blockquote></footer>



Idk why it isn’t full but here’s the beginning


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title> My 1st letter on html </title>

    <link href="styles-for-text.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <meta name="author" content="Dr. Eleanor Gaye">



Hello @Rouse_Quarts

you doing great well done here some notice :

  1. the telephone and email is part of the address so remove the p element around them and put them inside the address

  2. well done for using the a element for the telephone and the email

3)i notice also you used lang tag when you used some Lithuanian for the phd

  1. no need to wrap the dl inside ul and element either be next to each other or wrap each other but can not be mixed like
<li> \\ this is wrong cause li can not be child of dl it can be for ul or ol 
<dt> \\ this is wrong also cause dt can not be child of li

so use


check this for more details about dl

  1. you missed to wrap for more of ... inside p element and the following 2 line should be wrapped inside p for each

  2. for the footer remove the blockquote and the rest is fine

  3. it’s better to create a new post in your future assist and put your code on any online service like codepen.io or others so it be easier for everyone to check it

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi @justsomeone! Thanks a lot for your review! It was really nice :blush:

  1. i wasn’t aware of such a sophisticated thing.
    2 and 3 thanks!
  2. okay, my mistake. But that’s good to know for the next time.
    and also thanks for the rest of your review!

(it was kinda supportive for me!)

Have a nice day too =)


@Rouse_Quarts you very welcome and happy coding :slight_smile:

thanks a lot ad you too :slight_smile:

Could you give me some more help please? I just finished the 2nd task about structuring but idk how to upload my project…
I don’t really understand how to use glitch for assets or how to use another sites just to upload my images there and to have a link on them.

sure no problem

  1. after you create account with glitch go to dashboard
  2. go to Website section then choose Blank Website
  3. go to assets the upload the images
  4. click the image you want inside the assets click on copy url then paste this url on your src of the img element

codepen allow upload of image or files only for paid account

later when you get time you could try github which need some learning but it’s where your real project will be

and by the way when we assest we do not mind if there missing image so if you like different service like codepen or jsfiddle without upload your image it’s fine

for image you also can use link to image from different site and it will work fine

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’ve finished my letter task. Waiting for review and feedback.

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