Hey all,
I’m happy to announce that we’ve published a first version (v1.0.0) of mdn-data. The data is now published as a package on npm.
As of now, we’re only offering data related to CSS in this package, but we’re planning to migrate more data into this repository, especially data currently “stored” in KumaScript macros (Groupdata, spec data etc).
For the CSS data, which is now well validated and structured thanks to data schemas we agreed on, I want to thank Sebastian Zartner (@sebastianz) and Roman Dvornov (lahmatiy on GIthub) for their effort and work in the last few weeks and months.
mdn-data (the CSS data) is already used by these projects:
I hope by making more mdn-data accessible outside of the MDN wiki we will be able to help more projects like these!