MDN plus is live!

For content specific suggestions, please head over to and for platform related suggestions head to


Hello @schalkneethling

thanks a lot for your time and reply


nice :slight_smile:

thanks again and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Will (or when) the free tier be available to the region out of those subscription-enabled places?


Hey Irvin,

Thank you for your interest. We are rolling out to more countries over the coming months for both free and paid accounts. We are also considering making free accounts available in countries where paid accounts are not available. To ensure we provide the best support experience to all our readers, we are taking it slow. As we expand to more countries we will keep the community in the loop via the Hacks blog.


There is any plan for MDN plus to be available for developers and learners in Nigeria, Africa?


Hey there Ibrahim,

Thank you for reaching out and for your interest. Launching in other countries is on our list for sure. However, at the moment, we are taking the rollout of Plus a bit slow. One of the biggest reasons for this is that we are a small team entering a new space, and we want to be sure we offer you the best product possible.

We need to ensure that we can support and improve the current features and add new features that we can see the community would love. But, at the same time, we want to offer all subscribers the best support we possibly can.

I hope this answers your questions.


Hello schalkneething,

Thanks for your feedback and information about MDN Plus. I can’t wait to click on subscribe button and get useful information and features.


Well with MDN plus, will Firefox support HTML5 Apps?

First, congratulations!!

Anything that makes MDN, a very valuable resource, more sustainable I support!

Now, I wanted to register for my business in the future, but the form requires a Google login!
I hope you do not depend on anything Google for Plus!!!

I actually also wanted to comment on this topic’s assignment
Because replicating system UI (like buttons) gets all kind of hairy (accessibility-wise) and is a bad pattern to teach!


I agree. The fact that the final box looks like a button and we even call it a button in the description (“reasonable width for a large button”) gives the wrong impression that using styled <p> as buttons seems okay.

Do you like to create an issue at the MDN repo?


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Sadly I’m off’f Github without an intention to return. Would you take the honours?

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Hi. you have not made an assessment on my code because it is not good enough to be made an assessment on? if so I would like to know that to improve myself and change my point of view while solving assessments. thank you.

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I personally do not feel qualified to do an assessment yet, since I’ve only recently :wink: become involved with the assignments.

Although I must admit I had a quick glance and visually your button looked fine, although I might need to visit MDN to read up on some of the CSS units like rem you used, to give it a proper assessment.

I really do hope someone takes the time soon, this discussion sprang up because I like the HTML semantics and feel they should be taught proper. (use tags to their intended purpose as much as possible)

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@bedribulut I will soon :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem, I will. Thanks again for bringing this up. :+1:




[quote=“mikoMK, post:20, topic:95019, full:true”]

@bedribulut I will soon :slightly_smiling_face:

I really do appreciate for your kindness and help Michael.

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An update on this everyone!

It is now possible for MDN users around the globe to create an MDN Plus free account, no matter where you are.

Also the premium version of the service will be available in 16 more countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, and Spain. The MDN team works towards expanding this list even further.

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Hi! First of all thanks a lot for everything you guys do to make all this content available to everyone, everywhere!
Regarding MDN Plus, I am from Lahore, Pakistan; however, only the free tier is available to me. I really wanted to support MDN and get the paid version, but I guess it’s not available in my country.
In this list of countries that you can get the premium version, I only see a few famous countries. But this is not about MDN only. For example, Amazon is not available in my country, neither is Paypal, etc. Which got me thinking why is Pakistan never in these lists? I would really appreciate any explanation. Thanks and have a nice day :smiley:

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