In the Meta WG final proposal there was a question regarding figuring out who should be able to be elected for Council. Since there is some disagreement there, I’m opening this here so we can get broader feedback.
Question: Should every Council member have gone through the leadership track before getting elected?
Would be great if you could ump in with your feedback!
Reps from all specializations should be represented as Council, since the Council is the overseeing body and discusses the strategy around the specializations. We need to guarantee that this is not a “Leadership track” only body as long as we have different tracks. Having gone through the Leadership track to have the “leadership skills” is certainly a plus, but I don’t think we would find a lot of people that have gone through that track and still are part of other tracks to have the overall view.
Who can join the Council?
As of now, only mentors are able to get elected for Council. To make sure that we have the best possible representation, we should change the criteria as following:
Every Rep can nominate themselves for Council
A Rep who is nominating themselves needs to have been an active Rep for the past 12 months.
Other criteria such as commitment etc. don’t need to be changed I think.
What are the specializations you think should be represented in the council? Some of functional teams, some of leadership and some from resources? Are functional teams all the same?
Also, another open question, there are some discussions about having a time limitation for some tracks, so somebody could be go through «Leadership» track and then be on a functional one. That could solve part of the problem.
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
I strongly feel that to be on the Council you need to have some kind of preparation, so that’s why I feel having passed through leadership training is something a Council member would need to full fit his duties.
I am also of the view that some sort of leadership training or experience is beneficial. We have to build in some flexibility, however. For example, though unlikely, the leadership track might not be turning out ‘graduates’ fast enough to fill new council roles. Or, there is nobody in a particular batch who wants to be on council.
In general, I agree in opening up nominations beyond mentors.
In my opinion it should have all specializations covered, while we probably can’t have representatives from all functional teams. I guess we could have a good selection of functional Reps in there though.
This sounds very interesting, this might solve it, though see Brian’s concern regarding “batches”.
This is definitely a concern if we go that road. Maybe this is something we could brainstorm about this weekend (well, in the session tomorrow)?