"MIME types"

I had somehow managed not to notice, but the term “MIME type” has been replaced with “media type” in the specifications and standards. Should we look toward updating our content to use that term primarily, at least in the more prominent places?

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Hrm, I’m sure this decision has been made because of reasons, but it seems odd to me. I’ll always know them as mime types, and I think it’ll take the community a while to shift their thinking. It’ll be confusing alongside CSS media types too.

I think we should perhaps mention in a few places that the newest specifications refer to mime types as media types, but a mass change won’t be advised until the community at large catches up?

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It’s probably because MIME stands for: “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions”, but media types are no longer used by just email.

In fact, “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension types” sounds a bit weird.

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I think we ought to start transitioning; at least by adding a parenthetical “(otherwise known as media types)”. The one interesting point is that the HTML spec still calls them MIME types, pretty much exclusively, I think. But making sure people are aware of both names is something I think is basically a must-do.

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Sure. I think that’s a reasonable transition plan.

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