I there a target to complete these? Which ones are likely or unlikely to be developed and in what sort of timescale? I understand the UI ones are tricky!
Interesting, thanks. I replaced the clipboard with an alternative design so I’m not waiting for that bug. The SDK/places/bookmarks api I could do with.
There are currently only 16 out of the 83 APIs unavailable for Android - see my first link. I was hoping somebody knows which if any have a target release.
Cool @Dave you replaced clipbaord with native copy to clipboard with JNI? Please share im eager to see the JNI work! Im working on a native screenshot code but keep crashing on the getPixels line: https://gist.github.com/Noitidart/cb6e7c3a102784d04262
Aw drats, well it shouldn’t be too hard to do a JNI version if you’re interested I’ll write one up I wondering if Services.clipboard is available on android