Our extension contains the following code,
var scope = {}
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", scope);
var {CssLogic} = scope.devtools.require("devtools/styleinspector/css-logic");
var cssLogic = new CssLogic();
It gives the following error in the Console,
Error: Module
devtools/styleinspector/css-logicis not found at resource://devtools/styleinspector/css-logic.js
The extension works well with Firefox 43.0. The above problem occurs with Developer Edition 44.0a2 (2015-12-17), and Nightly 46.0a1 too. Multi-process is disabled in the 44.0a2. The problem occurs regardless it is disabled or not though.
Thanks in advance.
Kenny D.