Mozilla Innovation days(alternative of the GSoC)

It was a reaction in the telegram reps group after the announcement of Google that Mozilla is not accepted to participate this year at the the Google Summer of Code[1].
As a mozillians, we have always had the urge to enter new challenges and that’s why we need your ‘CRAZY’ ideas for a new type of event that we want to launch as soon as possible. So please don’t hesitate to participate in this discussion and add your ideas here [2]




So the idea is to organize an alternative? How different would be to GSoC?

Ah interesting @chaasof let’s see how we can do it together.

@r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q : it’s not really an alternative, but maybe an oportunity to highlight the Labs project!
For 1-2 months or plus, all the community focuses in the search for new ideas and start to draft a prototype.
I don’t know what type of projects that the mozillians participate with in the GSoC, but we can large it for more areas.

It’s just my vision, it can be wrong but maybe with the help of others, we can go-out with a good idea.
PS: after the cancellation of the grow mozilla events and the mozcamps, maybe this idea could gather Mozillians again :wink:

Two more possibilities:

Outreachy (formerly FOSS OPW) internships available:
The MDN fellowship program:

@lshapiro - any change the proposed positions to turn into an official intern opportunities?

Outreachy positions are not unofficial - they’re basically the exact same deal as GSoC. They won’t be turning into University program internships, if that is what you mean?