Mozilla Swag Store is now open

Hello everyone,

We are very happy to announce the opening of a Mozilla Swag Store!

You can now order Mozilla branded swags from two shops, one based in North America and the other in Europe. But don’t worry If you live outside those areas, you can still order from either shop. They will print and ship from whichever store you order from.

You can order one of the designs available, or personalize your swag to your taste (if you come up with something awesome, please share it on Social Media, we are keen to see your creations!). Just keep in mind our brand standards.

Find more details in the Wiki.

Note: If you need swag for a Mozilla community event, please do not use this system, but get in touch with a local Resource Rep.


Hi @fminelli!

Really great, finally we have a swag store again :slight_smile: And thank you for also thinking about an European store :wink:


Awesome! Hopefully, there will be one for Asia/Southeast soon…

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Unfortunately, I don’t have any information is that is something that is been considered at the moment…

Just a note, the URLs appear to have changed since this post was made (so the links are broken), but good news they were updated on the wiki!

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Updated URLs are on the wiki page at


Any chance at all we can get a 5 panel hat in there?