Mozilla Worldview Project Principle #1

I strongly support the notions of “inclusion, non-discrimination, and opportunity for all”, but the term “Open and accessible to all” has additional different and important meanings for me.

André pointed out an important technical principle, and I’d like to build on that. One aspect of accessibility is affordability: in some locations, the cost of using the Internet is extremely high compared to the average income of the population. Another aspect is safety: if authorities use their ability to monitor Internet activity, then the Internet does not give people the chance to voice dissenting or controversial views without fear of reprisals. A third aspect of accessibility is the absence of blocking mechanisms that limit people to a selected subset of Internet content, e.g., a walled garden. A fourth aspect of accessibility is fair service, where the Internet service provider treats all content equality (net neutrality) without favoring some sites and services over others.

I would prefer to treat these key technical issues as one principle and to treat the topics of inclusion, non-discrimination and opportunity as a different principle.