My add-on not meet the criteria:
- Add-ons need to revert changes to internal preferences when they are uninstalled or disabled
How can I fix this?
My add-on not meet the criteria:
How can I fix this?
What kind of addon? Bootstrapped? SDK? WebExtension?
Add-on must unregister/disconnect observers, remove listeners, clearInterval (for setInterval), revert all built-in preferences which add-on changes, and remove its own imported modules (not imported Firefox modules), unregisterSheet; on ‘disable’ or ‘uninstall’.
@erosman, I’m doing an extension, to enable OpenTok in firefox.(
I need to use the feature screen share.
Here my code, it should be correct, right?
var pageMod = require('sdk/page-mod');
var prefsService = require('sdk/preferences/service');
var allowDomainsPrefKey = 'media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains';
var gDomains = ['*.localhost', '*'];
exports.main = function (options) {
if (options.loadReason !== 'startup') {
var curPrefs = prefsService.get(allowDomainsPrefKey).replace(/\s/g, '').split(',');
if (curPrefs.indexOf(domain) !== -1) {
prefsService.set(allowDomainsPrefKey, curPrefs.join(','));
exports.onUnload = function (reason) {
if (reason === 'uninstall' || reason === 'disable') {
var curPref = prefsService.get(allowDomainsPrefKey);
var newPref = curPref.split(',').filter((pref) => pref.trim() != domain).join(',');
prefsService.set(allowDomainsPrefKey, newPref);
include: => domain[0] === '*' ? domain : `https://${domain}/*`),
contentScript: 'unsafeWindow.OTScreenSharing = cloneInto({}, unsafeWindow);'
Please note that since you are tracking OTScreenSharing
, you would need to mention it.
Any tracking (e.g. affiliate/referral/install/uninstall/upgrade/disable/error etc) to outside sources requires clear disclosure in both the add-on description and the Privacy Policy.
I mention it in package.json:
"id": "",
"title": "Gene Screen-sharing extension",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "A screen-sharing extension for Gene",
"author": "Humberto Elias @ JayaApps",
"main": "index.js",
"engines": {
"firefox": ">=38.0a1",
"fennec": ">=38.0a1"
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
It should be in addon’s description (on addon’s page) and Privacy Policy.
thx again @erosman however my addon review alert me about any configuration being inserted but are not removed after delete/disable the addon, but I not see it. Can u see anything wrong?
Which addon?
I must have expressed myself badly. The guy who did the review told me about an configuration being inserted but are not removed after delete/disable the addon
As I said… if you tell me which addon it is, I can look it up.