The new version of my addon doesn’t seem to work (at least not to me in Firefox 39.0), but it has been reviewed (!) and it’s public (after a loong time in the queue).
There are only some minor changes in this version so I can’t see what’s wrong. Is it a signing issue ?
All previous versions listed on ‘Status and Versions’ page have the word ‘-signed’ appended, but this new version doesn’t.
Wasn’t it supposed to be automatically signed?
I don’t get any errors, after installation the addon should add entries to the Tools menu and on right click context menu, but nothing’s there.
You’ll hit yourself. chrome.manifest expects a file named sdtools.jar to be in the chrome directory. You instead have two folders (which would otherwise be in the jar file). If you zip the two folders and rename that to sdtools.jar it works.
Yes, that’s what I did in previous versions, but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that .jar files are not needed anymore and should not be used due to performance issues or something like that, do you know anything about that ?