Need help with on Android

I am creating userscript, webextension and etc. Current my script downloads several files with renaming. I know that there is some illegal character for windows file name like /?<>:|". My script automatically replace this characters with full-width or remove. In android file system (like in linux) there is only one illegal character: / (used for folder address). But Firefox won’t download file with name that contain characters like [],:?;-/<|>". I use for userscript and for webextension with url and filename options. Android Firefox can download file that contain this characters. This mean that you can download this file when link clicked, but can’t download via userscript or addon. Despite that some built in file manager won’t allow you to change file name that contain this character, Android block only slash(/) character.

Second problem is in desktop firefox if you download too many files (like 100 files) it will download 6 file at same time. But in android it download all file same time. When download finished it stuck in notification and wont show that finished and some phones stucks. How I can make download some file at same time instead all? And is possible to use /?<>:*|" characters in download name?
Thanks for your responses.