First off, my apologies if this is the wrong forum. I myself am not a developer (html, css, and other computer code is beyond me (aside from a few small things) ) so I didnt feel like this went in the add-on development section.
Im looking for a add-on that makes firefox tabs act like internet explorer tabs. What I mean by that is I want tab “families” (the sole thing I love about internet explorer, and the one thing I miss about using it) I dont want tab groups that use the traditional “panorama” layout, but want it to be like IE where tabs related to each other are the same color.
For example if i open X link from this tab, it will open in a new tab and lets say both tabs are purple. so i go to another unrelated tab and do the same and it opens up in cyan, etc. I have been scouring the internet for a couple days and can find no add-ons like this (aside from one that hasnt been updated since 2010 and didnt function properly anyway) preferably the tab colors could be edited by right clicking on them (lets say i open a tab and its yellow, but i dont like yellow so I right click and make it green- something like that) and would work in conjunction with Classic Theme Restorer and Stylish (I doubt stylish would interfere with anything but Idk)
In theory it sounds like something simple, but as I said I dont know jack about coding so it may be pretty difficult. Im hoping on of you smarter chaps and/or ladies could assist me in this mission
Thanks in advance for any and all help you guys offer