NET 6/Dotnet Core - Compatibility with Deepspeech

I am working on a net6 project and I have implemented Deepspeech within my project.
However using the deepspeech nuget package did not install deepspeech but a target file.
I looked around and found that by modifying the project file I could create an access to the deepspeech dll.
I have also downloaded the model and scorer files as well as the file.
I can now access deepspeech, but the results of the transcription is a list of o and spaces.

I have few questions:
Is it a question of compatibility as the nuget package is targeting framework 4.6?
Will an upgraded version targeting net6 or core is in the horizon?
Is there a workaround to make it work, as it is, and what is it?

Thank you in advance for your help