New extension : FocusJUMP, jump the web

Hello. I’ve Just finished the first version of my extension : FocusJUMP. It can help you more easly find what you search exactly when you clink à link on the results page of a search engine. Take a look here :

And say me what you think about it :slight_smile:

Welcome to this forum and congratulations to developing your first (I guess?) extension. :+1:

However, your website you link to is down or so. I got an error from your hoster, as it seems.

But I found it on AMO: FocusJUMP – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

So I like the basic idea (if I get it correctly), I have to say. :smile:
However, does it only work for Google? You should definitively add support for more search engines.

(And I don’t get your user count thing there… This is no crowdfunding. :laughing:)

Personally, I’d also publish the source on GitHub or similar.

BTW, next time such announcements may possible be better not to put in the dev category in the forum. I think people usually use the support channel here: Add-on Support - Mozilla Discourse

hello, thanks for your proposals.

The extension works for all search engines :slight_smile: . I put the focusJump page, that’s work now, because it’s a web extension compatible and works in other browser.

I will open a giltlab project soon and maybe add new features (in the case of a next rainny holiday day :slight_smile: )

I will move this discussion on the right channel

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I update FocusJUMP with a SmartJUMP function. When you click on the search link, FocusJUMP jump exactly on the interesting point of the page. No need to make a selection before :slight_smile: but it’s always possible