No module named 'deepspeech_training'

Hi All,
While running I am getting this No module named ‘deepspeech_training’ error.
Recently the path to deepspeech_training has been changed to training/deepspeech_training so,I think we have to make change in the file also??

from training.deepspeech_training import train as ds_train


Python imports will kill me someday :slight_smile:

Please look at how you are calling the
script. If you do that in deepspeech_training you should be fine. But I guess you are calling it from somewhere else?

If you need more help, post more info.

Have you read the documentation and performed pip install -e . step ?

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No I have not performed this step pip install -e …In the documentation “using pre-trained model” steps I have performed.What is "pip install -e "?

This is the section about using deepspeech for running inference. Please read the training documentation if you are intending to perform training?

Hi, facing the same issue.
I followed the training doc and redid the installation multiple times and still facing the same issue.
Please guide me through the ‘pip install -e’ step, you have mentioned because i couldn’t find it in the training docs.

here is the error, i received. I am doing the training on google colab, so I haven’t created a virtual env.

/content/drive/My Drive/transfer learning/deepspeech
Training package is not installed. See training documentation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 7, in
from deepspeech_training import train as ds_train
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘deepspeech_training’

It is right here:

We can’t help for Google Colab.

Thanks for the prompt reply.
The issue has been solved from the doc that you mentioned. Sorry, for the inconvenience.

There was a mismatch between the version i was using and the document i was referring to.

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Please send PR if you feel doc improvement is needed :slight_smile:

Is there a conda equivalence for pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall -e .? Thank you!

@Vibhav can you please share that google colab link where you run deepspeech model.

here you go

Ran into this issue trying today, with the latest git version, also tried with a checkout of tags/v0.7.4 with the same result.

i’m at the top level of the project and calling ./bin/ and it says it cannot find deepspeech_training.

Have created a venv of python 3.6, activated the venv and have installed a new pip, wheel and setup-tools, as well as tensorflow-gpu and deepspeech-gpu.

Please dont, as documented this is the GPU backed inference python module. Please follow the docs for installing the training code: Training Your Own Model — DeepSpeech 0.7.4 documentation

Thanks, that’s exactly what I followed. i didn’t install deepspeech-gpu initially, but once it failed i tried it just in case it helped (which it didn’t). I’m now seeing that even running ./DeepSpeech gives the same error, at the top level.

Training package is not installed. See training documentation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 7, in <module>
    from deepspeech_training import train as ds_train
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'deepspeech_training'

Well, you did not mentionned it in your previous message:

Have created a venv of python 3.6, activated the venv and have installed a new pip, wheel and setup-tools, as well as tensorflow-gpu and deepspeech-gpu.

Are you sure that pip3 install --upgrade -e . completed successfully? Are you sure there is no mixup of python version here?

You’re right, I didn’t use the -e step, it pulled in a bunch of new dependencies, that’s interesting! I was looking for a requirements file to see how to pull in requirements but i couldn’t find it, and I see that -e must be doing something like that. my mistake.

i’ve got another error now,
> File “/home/foo/Projects/DeepSpeech/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ds_ctcdecoder/”, line 42, in init
> raise ValueError(‘Scorer initialization failed with error code {}’.format(err))
> ValueError: Scorer initialization failed with error code 8198

Yes, we moved away from requirements.txt, dependencies are expressed in because it allows more flexibility as well.

Often a case of improper checkout because of missing git-lfs

That would be it, i’ll investigate the LFS. thank you so much.

8198 == 0x2006:

APPLY(DS_ERR_SCORER_INVALID_LM, 0x2006, “Could not recognize language model header in scorer.”)