North America Community Introduction

Hello North America Contributors,

Your Regional Coaches would like to create a new thread for proper introductions. With that saying, to learn more about our community members, if you can answer the follow questions?

What is your name?
What is your Location?
What area do you contribute?

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Region 1 Coaches
Semirah Dolan (@semirah.dolan)
Robert “Robby” Sayles (@rtsayles)


Name: Robby Sayles
Hometown: Richmond, Virginia
Current Location: Dallas, Texas
Contributions: Mozilla Representative Mentor/Coach, Mozilla Festival
Volunteer Coordinator, Mozilla USA Community Manager, Regional Coach
Hobby: Aviation Private Pilot, Traveling, Cooking, community volunteering, hanging out with family and friends
Twitter: @rtsayles

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Name: Semirah Dolan
Hometown: Boston, MA
Mozilla Contributions: Mozilla Reps North American Regional Coach, Campus Advisory Committee, Take Back The Web Campus Campaign
Hobby: Traveling, playing futbol, Watching telenovelas, and Trying different foods
Twitter: @semirahd (add me! I love seeing and retweeting Mozilla post <3 )

Hi North American Mozillians! If you didn’t receive my email about our community video call, add yourself to our email list here:

And then if you did receive the email, make sure you confirm your availability for our video call on the doodle poll:

Best, Semirah

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Hey!!! My name is Dellicia Shorter and I am completing the Regional Coordinator training for the College Campus Program coming out of Massachusetts. I work closely with Semirah Dolan and hope to do more activities with Mozilla as I continue to progress through my Mozilla Journey.

I love working in areas of outreach, teaching, Leadership, community awareness, and student support.


What is your name? April Morone
What is your Location? Roanoke, VA (It used to be Covington, VA)
What area do you contribute? Mozilla Rep, ocassionally do SuMo, File bugs, answer bugs in Rep work for those requesting to become Reps, Worked on One and Done tasks, for a while, before. Built a multiuser chat for MDN in case they wanted to use it that I still have. Volunteered programming language idea for a multiuser chat for the MDN (Kuma) project; host “Mozillians” group on Facebook that had been previously named on Facebook by David as “Mozilla Contributors” that I later changed to “Mozillians” to merge it with the already named IRC chat group “Mozillians” for all contributors; help teach code and Web Development to new and other levels of contributors via private message on FB and ocassionally via meetings and in the Mozilla Web and Software FB group I had started. Gave code. And soon, will be hosting a MozCoffee Firefoxevent, locally at Starbucks and via online on Nov. 14th, 2016, at 12p.m. EST. I advocate for disabled contributors when I can however I can, as well. An article was written by another Mozillian about me about this: to showcase this.
Hobbies: House Re[air, Machine Repair; Mechanics; Study and implementation of aerodynamics for cars, drawing cars and portraits; painting landscapes; use of bow and arrows for archery, and other objects used in sports; coding for programming, Web, App, and Software Development; Playing Tennis and baseball; playing Blues and Alternative music on Electric guitar; playing country music on acoustic guitar; playing piano and keyboard; writing poetry and songs; analysing code, machine errors; just about any problem to problem solve; studying equations for programming and for carpentry and other things; studying science and quantum physics; reading books and watching movies of Fantasy (e.g. Dragon Slayer movies), Sci-Fi, detective style stories (Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys books, for example); Learning odd facts and doing IQ questions to bring my intelligence higher.

My Website I coded and then hosted on Ubuntu Cloud Server of bare bones server:


Name: Jeff Beatty
Location: Utah
What area do you contribute to? I was once a Mozilla Rep in Utah,
focusing my efforts on building a community on localization and privacy
(now cybersecurity). I still support the local community members efforts in
those areas when needed and occupy a Mozilla booth at the OpenWest
conference that Utah Open Source offers to me annually for free.
Hobbies: Reading, movies, music, languages, running, hiking, cooking,
being with family.


Name: Andrew Truong
Current Location: Edmonton, Canada
Mozilla Contributions: currently contributing to SUMO and Social support (there is an extensive list of what I’ve done somewhere else).


Name: Breana Gonzales
Location: Utah
What area do you contribute to? Like Jeff, I was also a Mozilla Rep in Utah. I engage with the Mozilla community occasionally. My focus is primarily localization. I co-lead localization for Fennec (Firefox for Android) for es-MX, and assist with other projects as needed. I also spread the word about Webmaker where I can and am passionate about web literacy.
Hobbies: Hiking, running, dancing, cooking, music, coding, languages and lots of time with family and friends.


@semirah.dolan @breanajgonzales @dshorter37 @feer56 @AprilMorone @gueroJeff
Thanks for all the welcome messages and I want to thank you for what you do for our Community. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Kind Regards,
Robby @rtsayles
North America Regional Coach

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Name: Rabimba Karanjai
Hometown: India
Current Location: Houston, Texas
Mozilla Contributions: Mozilla TechSpeaker, WebVR, IoT/CD/ET and a lot of other things. This has a better cover
Hobby: Reading books, debating, watching anime, counter strike, hacking
Twitter: @rabimba


Name: Tanner Filip
Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Mozilla contributions: Oh goodness. A lot. Lately not so much, but generally I do Community Ops work.
Twitter: @tannerfilip


Name: Stephanie Rozek
Hometown: Kitchener, Canada
Mozilla Contributions: Leading Hive Waterloo Region
Hobby: listening to/making music, reading, rock climbing, yoga, admiring dogs
Twitter: @srozek, @HiveWR


What is your name? Soma Ismael BOLA
What is your Location? Alexandria Virginia
What area do you contribute? MDN / SUMO / WebMaker Mentor / L10n:FR / Take Back The Web Campus Campaign Coach / Firefox Friends / / Mozilla Francophone / Army Of Awesome / Social Contributor / Local Organizer at Mozilla Science Lab Global Sprint 2016 / RC Year Plan in review
Hobby: Reading books, soccer, cybersec, languages, Outside activities, danse, gaming
Twitter: @Bola_Soma


Welcome @rabimba @tanner @stephanie.rozek @bolasoma. We’re excited to have you among us and looking forward to our community call in a few weeks.


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Name: Prashish Rajbhandari
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal
Current Location: Mountain View, California
Mozilla Contributions: I used to be a Mozilla Representative primarily contributing to community building, sometimes technology and organizing activities. I was part of MozDrive Awareness Campaign.
Hobby: Technology, Books, Hiking, Cooking
Twitter: @prashishh