OAuth2 redirect to https://...extensions.allizom.org seems to fail

I have the same issue. I need a fixed redirect_uri for my client configuration at an authority server. I have managed to get this fixed redirect_uri by identity.getRedirectURL() (derived from the add-on’s ID) (as described here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/identity)


This URL is not reachable and it seems that only identity.launchWebAuthFlow knows how to interpret it.

However, I cannot use launchWebAuthFlow because I don’t want WebAuthFlow… I want SignInRedirect (~using other js libraries e.g. oidc-client, okta, …). The OAuth flow doesn’t continue its dance with this https://…extensions.allizom.org as a redirect_uri.

I could work around it by using webRequest.onBeforeRequest to observe any GET to this url. But I find it a little hacky and don’t feel like this is the right way to use identity.getRedirectURL() as intended by the Firefox team.

What is the intended use of identity.getRedirectURL()?
Thanks in advance!

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