Objectives / Goals for the second half of the year

Hi everyone

I’ve finally published my blog post about the last community meetup we had. You can find it here: https://michaelkohler.info/2016/mozilla-switzerland-community-meetup-june-2016

For a better point on discussion, here are the objectives:

Objective 1: Grow our core contributor strengths and be amazing at being visible in Switzerland

  • Key Result 1: We have at least 5 core contributors that are active on Discourse
  • Key Result 2: 30% of threads on Discourse are created by non Community Focus Group members
  • Key Result 3: At least 25 GitHub issues are created from a discussion on Discourse with clear steps on how to implement
  • Key Result 4: Have started an at least monthly meetup group around Developer Tools to have “hacking evenings”
  • Key Result 5: At least 3 persons are involved in organizing events
  • Key Result 6: At least 4 persons are involved in creating content for Twitter tweets and answering mentions
  • Key Result 7: The mozilla.ch website clearly reflects on where we want people to get involved in MozillaCH covering all functional areas provided on the Wiki page
  • Key Result 8: At least 80% of functional areas are covered by at least 2 contact persons

Objective 2: We are a driver in prototyping Firefox for the future

  • Key Result 1: We have started a monthly meetup group around Developer Tools to have hacking evenings, providing guidance to new people to get involved in hacking DevTools
  • Key Result 2: We have at least 2 hackathons for 2 different components
  • Key Result 3: We have at least 20 confirmed Nightly users who know how to submit bugs
  • Key Result 4: We are engaging at least 10 people in QA’ing Servo for specific websites
  • Key Result 5: We engage at least 2 persons to work on positron, spidernode or browser.html

What do you find intriguing? What would you like to know more about?
