I’m currently developing my webextension using Firefox 48.0.1 on Windows 10.
My webextension has a few long menus in html files so instead of using over complicated javascript functions to fill in the localized strings according to the user language, I prefer to simply request a different html file, each with a specific suffix. It works well for the browser_action popup file in the manifest, so for example, instead of declaring this:
"default_popup": "/popup/menu.html",
I do this:
"default_popup": "/popup/menu-__MSG_@@ui_locale__.html",
In order to get menu-en.html, menu-es.html, menu-fr.html, etc depending on the user’s language, which works well.
However, the same method doesn’t work for the options_ui page setting in the manifest in order to display the add-on preferences with the correct language.
Thanks for your help.