bonjour @mikoMK! je cherche une évaluation pour "la page d’accueil d’une école de communauté"merci beaucoup
Great work @fenosoaliva_ratovoson
Here are two remarks:
doesn’t work with::first-line
. It needs to be applied to the<p>
itself and will automatically only indent the first line. To only indent the on the first paragraph after the heading we can useh2 + p
as the selector. - I would be better to have different color for the various states of links.
As a general idea when using GitHub:
When using GitHub a great way to show the running code is by activating GitHub Pages for your repo. This will publish everything under a specific GitHub domain. You can then post both GitHub links (code and published page) when solving a new task.
I hope that helps,
bonjour @mikoMK! ca va? merci pour tes précieux conseils, en ce qui concerne github je suis encore toute embrouillé j’essayerai de m’éclaire petit à petit
en gros je dois le modifier comme" publication à partir d’une branche" ou “publication à partir d’un workflow” merci bien sûr que ca aide je viens de tout découvrir ‘github’ ,‘vscode’, ca fait beaucoup d’information d’un coup.
Merci Michel bonne journée
Absolutely understandable
I didn’t want to pressure you to use it right now. It’s just a cool feature of GitHub and I wanted to let you know.
In the end the most important thing is that you’re able to solve the exercises. All the tech around is just a bonus.
@mikoMK smile:
je le ferai petit à petit merci de ton aide,j’apprecie vraiment tes conseils