Participation leaders cohort - Moving forward

TL;DR As core mozillians you are more important than ever for Mozilla to succeed in 2016, Participation team keeps working to provide leadership opportunities and guidance on impactful initiatives. Make sure you follow this discourse category


During last months, the Participation team together with a big group of core mozillians (that’s you!) organised and delivered a set of initiatives and gatherings to support Mozilla’s mission and goals.

Mozfest, Orlando All Hands, Leadership Summit and London All Hands were some of the key events where we worked together, grow as contributors and evolve our leadership and mobilization path inside the community.

Currently we are working on a set of initiatives to keep this work going:

  • RepsNext: The Reps program is evolving to become a volunteer participation platform, really focused on leadership and community mobilization. Be more inclusive to welcome any core mozillian interested in this growth path is going to be a key focus.
  • We are developing a leadership toolkit to be able to provide concrete resources to improve mozillians skills that are going to be important for supporting Mozilla in the next years.
  • In order to deliver these skills, we are creating a coaching team with the help of new Reps mentors so we can train mozillians to deliver this knowledge to other volunteers and their local communities.
  • Refreshing the participation buffet, in order to provide clear guidance on the focus initiatives that are more relevant to support Mozilla this year and how to get involved. This will be also provided through coaching.
  • Systematize community gatherings strategy in order to provide skills and action-focused guidance to regional and functional communities around the world, as well as adapting our strategy taking in consideration local needs and ideas.

What’s next?

Beginning in July we are going to start seeing some of the previous ideas being implemented and communicated, and we want you to be part of it. You have demonstrated great leadership inside Mozilla and there is no way Mozilla can succeed without your help, ideas and support.

If this is a path you are interested, we would like to ask you to follow this discussion forum where we will keep updated with what’s going on, next actions, opportunities, how to get involved and learn, including leadership curriculum, coaching opportunities, how to chime in with focus initiatives, next gatherings… (all Reps will be also informed about this and we will work on having both channels merged in the future)

Log-in with your email and make sure you are “Watching” the category to follow/use it by email as a maling list:

Thanks again for your work and we hope to see you keep shaping Mozilla’s future!


Rubén on behalf of the Participation team


I am very interested to participate and help, please keep me informed


This would definitely help us Reps to improve our skills and community involvement. Thumbs up!

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I’m interested to join this program! Please let me know how to participate into this program!

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I am interested in this initiative, I’ll be waiting of news.

2016-06-24 22:17 GMT-06:00 Amit Kumar Jaiswal <>:

amitkumarj441 Amit Kumar
June 25

I’m interested to join this program! Please let me know how to participate
into this program!

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David Antonio GonzĂ lez Blanchard
Ingeniero en sistemas

There is no doubt that this new initiative is really awesome, I am interested to be part of the implementation plan.


I will be a part of the Massachusetts College Campus Campaign headed by Semirah Dolan started at UMass Darthmouth and appreciate any guidance in whomever with the help of Lyre can steer me in the right direction of what Leadership role to take on? Coach? Mentor? Rep? As we Mainstream Mozilla’s Mission and Goals on our Campus this School year and so on.

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Awesome thing !!! I’m interested to join this program! Please let me know please how to participate into this program ?

Just by following this category you will be updated as soon as some opportunities are ready :slight_smile:


hmmmm great , i’m interested to be a part of it

I’ve edited the first message to include links to two relevant topics that explain different pieces of the overall work

Focus Initiatives

Leadership Toolkit

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Sounds good! Well done!


Hi Ruben and Participation team,

Following! I am definitely interested in hearing next steps into getting more involved with the participation team and Mozilla volunteer leadership efforts. :slight_smile:

Update on

Coaching framework