Participation Team Mission & Manifesto

Hey Everyone,

The Participation Team is working to develop a clear mission statement and manifesto and we would love to get your thoughts and input. Please keep in mind when reading the audience and strategy piece that this reflects our strategy only leading up to Orlando.

Some questions to ponder while you read:

  • Do you think having multiple manifestos is a good idea or is it confusing?
  • What is missing from this manifesto?
  • How does the idea of open workflow fit in here?
  • What is missing from the audience section?


We will also be discussing this on the Participation Call on Thursday September 3rd! Join and share your thoughts on the call! Agenda is here.

And here’s the link to the doc in case somebody feels like me and doesn’t like reading it in such a small space since it’s embedded into Discourse :

Original message:
Hi Lucy, since Discourse is integrating the document for me without any link to it, could you share the link as well?

Hey! You can find the link here.

I’d call it an Agenda for the next three months.

I’m a bit unclear on who “we” is in this document. In particular in the section where “Participation Team” is the target audience.

I’m also surprised that this only mentions communication to audiences.