I was using v.102 up until recently, and clicking a pdf file link resulted in it being opened in a new tab, as intended (I have set pdfs to open with firefox). However, I updated to v103, and now clicking the same link results in the file also being downloaded in addition to opening in a new tab. I don’t need more clutter in my downloads folder. Please fix this.
I did find this (Pdf open don't save) issue, but it doesn’t address the issue of not downloading the file.
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. Any guidance is appreciated.
This is what has been happening for a while if you have “Open in Firefox” selected as your PDF handling preference (that is the default setting):
(A) If the server accurately identified the PDF using “Content-Type: application/pdf” and did NOT send the “Content-Disposition: attachment” header to force downloading:
Firefox saves the file in the web content cache and opens the PDF with the web address showing in the address bar.
(B) If the server accurately identified the PDF using “Content-Type: application/pdf” and DID send the “Content-Disposition: attachment” header to force downloading:
Firefox saves the file in the folder you selected next to “Save files to:” on the Settings page and opens it in a new tab with the local path (file:/// ) showing in the address bar.
Firefox 102 added a preference that allows switching from the “Save files to:” folder to the Temp folder.
Firefox sometimes takes the .pdf extension at face value when sites try to sneak it past using inaccurate Content-Type values (such as “Content-Type: application/force-download”). In that case, it may follow behavior (B). Otherwise, it may auto-save the file.
I think this preference was added in Firefox 103. If you use “Open in Firefox” as your action on the Settings/Preferences page, it disregards Content-Disposition: attachment and saves the PDF in the web content cache.