Performance degration on MacOS 15.3

This is on 136.0b3
I’m seeing severe performance degredation after at least 15 min. work. It’s most apparent on a WordPress site editing FluentForms. A Linode console window shows no issues. It’s possible there’s one badly-behaving tab in the mix, but I don’t have any idea how to loate it.
Restarting the browser resets the whatever, and work proceeds apace. I’ve compared the behavior in Safari & Chrome. FFDE is behaving badly in this release.
The browser never exits to restart in Troubleshooting Mode., so I’ve never been able to see what happens in that state. I have to many active tabs to close them just to enable Troubleshooting Mode.
I’m always having to use Force Quit.
Any suggestions on troubleshooting this?


It’s not clear if this is a performance issue with DevTools or not, but in any case it would be helpful to record a profile using , upload the profile and share it here?


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Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for.
I forgot to add that I see GET/POST sent, but no response in under 3 seconds. I was going to record a video of the writes to the nginx server log while doing stuff in the browser. IDK if that would also help.
Meanwhile I’ll try the profiler.

You can also use MozRegression to compare between different versions and (if so) identify the exact change that is causing the issue.