Performance Testing Newsletter (Q4 Edition)

Welcome to the latest edition of the Performance Testing Newsletter! The PerfTools team empowers engineers with tools to continuously improve the performance of Mozilla products. See below for highlights from the changes made in the last quarter.

This quarter also saw the release of! It’s a new tool used for making comparisons between try runs (or other pushes). It is now the default comparison tool used for these comparisons and replaces the Compare View that was in use previously. Congratulations to all the folks involved in making this release happen! Feel free to reach out in #perfcompare on Matrix if there are any questions, feature requests, etc… Bugs can be filed in Testing :: PerfCompare.

Highlights from Contributors




Highlights from Rest of the Team

Blog Posts :writing_hand:


If you have any questions, or are looking to add performance testing for your code component, you can find us in #perftest on Element, or #perf-help on Slack.