When i load page on a phone, my background is not stretched on full height, tried:
meta tag for phones to display on full width @media (min-height 768px)
position: absolute; everywhere
Nothing worked, what can i do?
you doing great well done just a notice about the colgroup
check this one
and here some notice about css code
only use table display with element of table nothing else
after will add the background as if the content is last child of the element which is body in this case
check this to know hoe after work
you can give the background image directly to the body
by the way you can give background-color and background-image to same element and the color will be as background of that image if that what you want
The borders of the element are then drawn on top of them, and the background-color is drawn beneath them. How the images are drawn relative to the box and its borders is defined by the background-clip and background-origin CSS properties.
I used your notices and it’s works now! Thank you so much @justsomeone!
I wanted to make stars more darker by giving image less opacity and then black background will make image darker. But i can’t get less opacity of the background image without ::after. And that leads to cut my background image.
I must use photoshop in that case, or i can somehow it write in code instead(just prefer 2nd)?
which same as your old code but still does not work as you like the image in any way does not scale to fill the whole window even in the desktop version
The background-blend-mode CSS property sets how an element’s background images should blend with each other and with the element’s background color.
The different values are explained here: <blend-mode>
This mixes the colors of the bg color an the bg image together which results in a darker image. By making the background-color lighter or darker you can adjust how much the image should darken. You could also add a bit of color (e. g. #62592d) to make the stars slightly yellow .
I implemented @mikoMK solution, and it’s works great, as i wanted! @justsomeone, i tried to use opacity to make image darker, like @mikoMK shows, not to get image more transparent.