I have a Shelly 1 v.3 relay (firmware version 20191216-090109/v1.5.7@c30657ba) already working with his own app and with google mini.
I want to add it to my mozilla.iot too, version 0.10.0 running on docker with raspbian and Raspberry. The Shelly add-on is version 0.2.1 by tim-hellhake. When I launch new things search, my shelly 1 is not recognized. I see nothing important in the log:
2020-01-12 11:00:22.803 INFO : About to call startPairing on ZigbeeAdapter
2020-01-12 11:00:22.807 INFO : About to call startPairing on VirtualThingsAdapter
2020-01-12 11:00:22.811 INFO : About to call startPairing on ShellyAdapter
2020-01-12 11:00:22.834 INFO : Opened a new things socket
2020-01-12 11:00:22.872 INFO : zigbee: Pairing mode started, timeout = 60
2020-01-12 11:00:22.876 INFO : shelly: Adapter: ShellyAdapter id ShellyAdapter pairing started
2020-01-12 11:01:22.824 INFO : Pairing timeout
2020-01-12 11:01:22.829 ERROR : Thing was not added
2020-01-12 11:01:22.832 ERROR : addNewThing cancelled
2020-01-12 11:01:22.840 INFO : virtual-things: Adapter: VirtualThingsAdapter id virtual-things pairing cancelled
2020-01-12 11:01:22.844 INFO : zigbee: Cancelling pairing mode
2020-01-12 11:01:22.848 INFO : shelly: Adapter: ShellyAdapter id ShellyAdapter pairing cancelled
Anyone can help me? What is wrong?