Profiles compatibility across versions is no more granted?

As a system manager, I Have been using and promoting TB as the best mai client. The possibility of creating a profile folder then deploying it in multiple installations spared me a lot of useless headaches. It also gave a simple but very effective way to backup and eventually restore mail configurations and local foders contents. The latest releases (from 68 up) have greatly impaired the compatibility of profiles among versions. This results in faulty restores from backups and is a great loss in security and useability of the client. Pressure has been made to me to look for a more stable solution or maybe a more stable client. I was looking for an official tool to backup and restore profiles and configurations, but I couldn’t find any that could be suitable to deploy in production environment. Maybe you could suggest some valuable tool or procedure to avoid the risk of loosing contents, configurations and contacts ?

Not since Mozilla made the change to dedicated profiles per installation for Firefox in version 67.0, which got picked by Thunderbird with version 68.0.

Dedicated profiles per Firefox installation

Dedicated profiles per Thunderbird installation

Well, Farewell Thunderbird, and thanks for all the fish…