I exchanged a email with @jswisher about the idea of shutting down the Mozilla USA Mailing List in a nutshell it never took off and I had created it when NA was still using Basecamp and then decided to use Discourse.
The list has never had any contributors using it but instead has attracted people seeking support and this is not sustainable and plus they should be directed to official channels.
If nobody is opposed we will put in the request to have the mailing list removed.
Agreed. The US doesn’t have a big enough community to warrant our own mailing list, so we should just stick with North America. Even if we were big enough to have our own, mailing lists and Basecamp both introduce a barrier to entry for people who want to get involved. Discourse is more open, so people can actually see what we’re working on without having to use Google Groups or whatever.
Agreed. Funneling attention/engagement into discourse will serve us better in the long run. We’re a long way away from any kind of critical mass where keeping multiple forums might make sense.
The bug has been fixed, so the mailing list, news group, and Google group have been deleted. Any references to them (such as on mozilla-usa.org?) should be replaced with a reference to this Discourse category. But! the context of the link should make it clear that this is not a support forum.